VIDEO: Female bartender says she can tell if a man will cheat based on what kind of beer he drinks

What you drink can say a lot about you, and no one knows that more than the people who serve your drinks. A bartender from Nebraska named Paige claims she can tell if a man will cheat just from what kind of beer he drinks.

“If your boyfriend is drinking Coors Light, he’s probably a nice guy. He’s sweet, he’s whatever, and you don’t have any doubts, but he’s definitely flirted at the bar. If you sit down at a restaurant and he orders a Miller Light, marry him. He is gonna build you a Barndominium. If he’s drinking Michelob Ultra, leave him. Because he’s cheating on you. Majority of Busch Light drinkers, sweethearts. They’re not better than Miller Light, but they’ll treat you right. Your husband boyfriend, fiancee, whatever he is, is drinking Budweiser, you’re safe. He won’t cheat on you. We love Budweiser. If you’re boyfriend, whatever he is, is drinking Corona, he’s a sweet talker. You will never know he’s cheating on you, but he is. He’s drinking PBR, we love him. He fixes your car for free because he’s most likely a mechanic. If he’s drinking Modelo, he keeps it spicy and he doesn’t cheat on you because you guys have the best relationship.”

Warning: NSFW language used in this video